It was nice knowing Raspberry Pi while they lasted. Going to suck losing something that has changed the homegrown embedded system hobby forever.
As long as Raspberry Pi doesn’t start ripping off their customers, I will happily stay with them. Most other SBCs are made by Chinese companies, which I definitely won’t buy. Hell no, I’m not supporting the Chinese economy.
I don’t so much care where it’s made. The real selling point, to me, for Pi is that their products are well documented, in English, and solutions for problems are easily googled. There’s tons of SBCs out there, some of them even inexpensive, but I can’t tell if any are going to last longer than a single production run. Meanwhile, I can still buy a Pi 3 after almost a decade. Or I can take the hat I made for a Pi3, plug it straight into a new Pi Zero, and expect it to work without changes.
IPO is a big step down the path to enshittification, especially when there’s no clear, dominant alternative.
As long as Raspberry Pi doesn’t start ripping off their customers
Give it 2 weeks (max) after the IPO
Hell no, I’m not supporting the Chinese economy.
Lol, I agree with you, but realistically you probably have only avoided a fraction of Chinese made crap