When I first started this show I found it to be a really awkward mix of comedy and seriousness. It had some jokes thrown it at the most inopportune times as some kind of comic relief from a really serious situation. Perhaps the first half of the first season was actually a bit rough or maybe the show just grew on me, but by season 2 I found myself loving this show.
To me it seems as every bit as comfy, intellectually interesting and even funny as some classic Star Treks while still clearly being its own thing. I wish more comfy space shows like this would get made.
What are your thoughts on The Orville? Also I miss Alara.
And you will not see me complaining. SNW is the best Trek of recent times.
SNW went completely off the rails and became a CW science fiction show. It is not Star Trek and is so cringe worthy, it’s painful to watch.
I haven’t seen any of season 2 yet, and while I agree that a few of the episodes in the first season are a bit off-target on the science fiction aspects, I think they are overall quite a bit better than the first season of TNG. I’m more than willing to give it, say, 40-60 episodes to really find itself and get into the meat of the story they want to tell with it.
Picard season 3 was pretty great too. I skipped season 2 as I hated season 1. Apparently season 3 just ignores the events of 2 completely because it was that bad.
It was shit wasn’t it, I heard season 2 was worse. I wanted to like it so much. What changed to make season 3 good? I’d love that to be true.
I don’t want to set your expectations too high, because it’s far from perfect, but I thought Picard S3 was basically the good TNG movie that we never received. It was great to see so many of the TNG crew back on screen, and probably for the last time together since they’re all in their 70s. The story was mostly good and there were some real high points.
I’d still say Orville hits the mark closer, in many ways. SNW follows some of TOS’ style, but it still doesn’t always quite have that Gene Roddenberry feel to the characters. Orville does this better while its style is more like TNG - which perhaps isn’t surprising given how much Seth MacFarlane has worked with Patrick Stewart in recent years.
Frankly I want more seasaons of both.
I still haven’t watched it. I think I might be done with Trek. There’s just been too much damage in the last decade with those godawful jj abrams movies, discovery, picard, blech. It’s clear to me the franchise has moved in a different direction and we’ll always have tng and ds9, but I just can’t follow it anymore.