I’m thinking, since it wasn’t written down until centuries after it supposedly happened, that the most likely answer is that it was just bullshit.
Your basis for discounting it is “it wasn’t written down.” That’s all oral tradition. I wasn’t trying to argue with you, I just wanted to see an amendment to your statement that recognized that this sentence is inaccurate. Seeing as you’re rolling back on it, I’ll take it as such.
Yet again, “most likely answer” does not imply in any way that all oral history is made up. That’s simply a lie.
I recognized nothing I said as inaccurate. That is another lie.
Stop lying.
That is another lie. You said I assumed it was all made up.
This is what you said:
I didn’t say that oral history is 100% accurate. I said it’s more accurate than you assume, which based on what you said seemed to be “it’s all made up.”
Absolutely nothing I said indicated that all oral history was made up, as I demonstrated by quoting it.
Just tell the truth for one fucking post.