I am wanting a macro pad for work, but we are not allowed to install software on them and even the websites we have access to is limited. I don’t want to have to use my personal computer or take the pad home whenever I want to make a more complex macro and am wondering if there are any where the keys can be configured using a configuration file stored onboard?
My employer does have a process for requesting software, but it’s a very large company and requires that it go through a whole vetting process and security audits before having it added to the approved software list. I’m already applying some pressure to have some more important software added and am trying not to burn up all the good will I may have 😅.
I am actually able to connect to the VIA web app, but I don’t have any compatible devices currently. It’s very possible though that we may have some software or policy that will block it when I attempt to do so though (it’s not unusual to be able to connect to a website and do certain things only to have specific actions trigger some piece of our security suite). Knowing what the average user is like I can’t really fault them for it, but it is annoying.
All that said, would you have a recommendation for the cheapest VIA pad on Aliexpress that I could buy to test with?
VIA is at the firmware level. You can program it on a personal computer then plug it into your work computer.
That’s my worst case, but I’d rather not as there are times when I’d like to change the macros during work and I won’t be bringing a personal computer with me to work to do so.