Do your thing snarkers!
I saw a different picture she posted and had no idea who this random blonde lady was. She literally has 20 different faces that she tries on hourly. It’s so bizarre. She should know better when there’s images like this one that actually show her real self (she looks better here imo).
We’re on the same page. The filter she used for this video was having some issues. The far right is where it the filter slipped off the most, her neck doubled in size in a single frame.
Holy shit, she looks like 4 different people! NO one, I repeat NO ONE’s faces change this much in a manner of minutes. She’s fully delulu.
I don’t know how to post a video yet. The filters The Birds Papaya’susing tonight are messy. The Birds Papaya’s a horrible person. Her dishonesty is REALLY obvious. The cringe I feel for her and those who support her. Look at these screen grabs from The Birds Papaya’s red carpet video. If you slow the video down you can see The Birds Papaya’s real face jump into the filtered face. It’s freaky!
I mean, I came to this page originally because I was really angry that influencers were not speaking out against atrocities in the world, but I do feel that this is digital manipulation to sell crap is problematic- she IS PRETTY here as herself (And well people might say, well, she’s had her eyebrows tattooed her lips done, makeup and unnatural hair color, BUT that is true for a lot of people, and those things don’t make people look so unlike themselves that they’re on recognizable, so I think it’s safe to say that it’s not body altering to the extreme.). And there’s nothing wrong with her un-edited (well… Even Getty images have some editing done to them and there’s also camera lenses that will make each photo look better but I mean, it’s not unrealistic). Remarkable face/look as herself? No- but that’s what her whole platform is supposed to be. She looks like a person. Audiences should expect this version of this person.
This! I think she’s a genuinely attractive woman. I don’t care if she’s had some things done. But don’t LIE about it. Yay for loving your body…but does she? I snark bc her dysmorphia is contagious and dangerous and altering her image the way she does is just plain inauthentic and dishonest! It’s so blatant and out of hand now.
The REAL Sarah is worthy. Can the real less-slim shady please stand up?!
I find your comment incredibly valuable because you can see how what she is doing is hurting people who follow her. It is completely messing with their heads because they want to believe she is who she keeps telling them she is but these images make it so hard to keep believing. When someone questions why she looks so different she says it’s angles and lighting. She is gaslighting them. She is not only not using her platform to effect change in the world, she is using it to harm.
Not seeing lines, pores is filtering. She’s so blurred out. It’s a crying shame. I want to watch her sink. I’ll have popcorn