2FA: Literally my case here, too bad my email also had 2FA pointed towards my phone.
And I don’t have my personal password manager on my work computer. Not to mention it wouldn’t save me from this 2FA chain that makes me phone the only valid key.
The moral of the story is ofc don’t use Gmail or stuff that only trusts your bloody phone.
There are programs for PC that can generate those authentication codes, bypassing the need for a phone
Doesn’t change the fact that I’d need a specific device to login, still can’t do anything from my isolated work computer. If I was carrying my personal laptop around with me, I wouldn’t have this issue to begin with, I’d just message from there.
Makes me wish something like a literal USB key existed. Altho for now I’ll probably just not use 2FA on my email, and use an alias instead for protection.
Using OTP you just need a program that can generate codes. It can be your PC
I meant the sign in code google texts you. Not the App based One Time Password option. But, yes OTP option can also be set up as another fallback option