Moritz Körner, Member of the European Parliament, disclosed the decision on Twitter. Swedish publisher SVG said, “The question was removed at the last moment from Thursday’s ambassadorial meeting in Brussels”.
Source? In Germany at least that’s not the case, it’s mainly the conservatives who push for it. In the original vote, only the greens clearly opposed it. Later on, SPD (center-left) and FDP (liberal) changed course to also oppose it. Couldn’t find results for other countries though, so I’m genuinely curious.
The labels get confusing especially between countries, but left and right are normally viewed as being economic policy classifications, but you can have authoritarians on right and left and all need to be fought.
I don’t think that’s accurate, there’s a social axis from left to right too.
I think of authoritarian as being up and down, and social and economic views as left and right. Check out the political compass if you haven’t. It would be nice if it was 3D with economic and social policy being separated though.
I did found: All the red countries where in favor actually. Yellow were in research. Green is opposed.
here is the document itself: