The Indian rice export ban, the war in Ukraine and El Niño are combining to create a “doom loop” for the world’s poorest people, as staple food prices soar.
Can we please not have silly jokes on a serious topic like global hunger?
This is one thing I don’t want from reddit
It may sound silly but it’s put succinctly and there’s an element of grim truth to it.
Additionally, do we have to compare everything to Reddit? It’s the Internet, people are going to cope how they cope.
I just want to filter out the words Reddit, Elon and Trump. I’m just so tired.
If I don’t laugh about the world I’ll just start crying. It’s sadly the defense mechanism I’ve developed. I use humor to avoid uncomfortable moments in all aspects of my life.
I agree, humor is a valid coping mechanism. It’s not like a serious conversation on Lemmy is going to solve world hunger, your joke was fine in my opinion.
It’s not sadly the defence mechanism you developed, but luckily.
Because face it some defence mechanism is needed, and the vast majority of them are absolutely harmful. Fuck the ruffled feathers those are the exact kind of people who say “I’d rather ignore it”, “I’d rather deny it’s happening”, “I’d rather say that it’s bad everywhere”, “I’d rather say it’s because of the Jews”, “I’d rather sit here and unproductively wallow in pity”, or whatever. You are a human, and as such you have the birth right to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Can we please not banning silly jokes on a serious topic? That is one thing I don’t want from real life
I’m sorry if this disturbs you but free humour is one of the extremely important aspects of the internet that Lemmy needs to support. When you know who you are talking to you can avoid subjects that may hurt the other person but on the public internet this is not possible. The alternative to never dare making any joke because of the risk to hurt someone is dystopian.
Top comment isn’t even a joke, it’s a movie reference that supports the idea that this is a serious topic.