Kyle Rittenhouse’s sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her “brother’s unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family.”
Is it possible that maybe he’s a piece of shit?
I mean, maybe? But other than wild speculation, is there any evidence?
Fucking /s because those of you that don’t get it are dumb enough to think The Boys got all anti-you all of a sudden too.
But other than wild speculation, is there any evidence?
He did drive up to Ohio to shoot people.
those of you that don’t get it are dumb
I wish I didn’t know people who would say that shit entirely unironically.
lmao you don’t even have the state right.
He went there to shoot people
Yeah, that’s why he showed up and did zero non-benevolent things for hours, and then when a maniac literally screamed a death threat at him (in response to Rittenhouse putting out a dumpster fire he started), his immediate reaction was to run away.
Literally the only people shot by Rittenhouse that day were people who tried to kill him, and then DIDN’T LET HIM run away when he tried to flee, which was his consistent first reaction to all aggression directed at him. Everyone who got shot CHASED him when he fled, cornered him, and then tried to murder him, forcing him to use his weapon to save his own life.
Those are the facts.
I’m glad I don’t know anyone dumb enough to unironically claim he intended to shoot people. There is so much publicly available evidence, it’s frankly secondhand embarrassing to see, even online.
Dude, you absolutely need the /s on this one. There are people who authentically say this. And they read your comment thinking you and the upvoters all support that same belief too
No no, see he shot a registered sex offender (which he couldn’t have possibly known at the time)!
Or was he trying to keep the kid pointing the rifle at the peaceful protesters from shooting them?
The problem is, we will never know now.
“That guy” being Rittenhouse who specifically went there with a firearm with the intention to stir up shit? He was absolutely hoping he’d get to murder someone, and surprise surpise – he did exactly that