Kyle Rittenhouse’s sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her “brother’s unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family.”
Actions speak louder than words. He was around tons of looters (that’s what the people he was talking about were doing, when he said that) that day. Why didn’t he ‘shoot rounds’ at any of them, if that was his plan? He had all the opportunity in the world.
That’s the question people making this argument can’t answer honestly, because the only honest answer is that what he did directly contradicts what he said.
Arguing that he planned to do something that he literally didn’t do, despite myriad opportunities, is just silly.
Actions speak louder.
Again… you apologists are fucking hilarious. Dude wanted to kill people. He killed people. No amount of hand waiving and excuses from you will change that.
It’s a fact. And it is easily proven via reality.
Yes, ok. But you’re not providing a counterargument. These are all just feelings. It’s possible he was there to kill people. It’s also possible he saw what happened in Minneapolis when rioters set entire storefronts on fire a few weeks prior and was concerned about his community.
If he really wanted just to kill people he had lots more opportunities before he was being chased. The person you’re responding too is just countering your arguments but all you have very charged feelings about the case which is understandable.
Kyle is a bad person who did something really stupid but it doesn’t help to fight every person on details which have been disproven in court. The whole trial is available to watch online. Our side needs to do better and stay grounded in facts otherwise we just lose all credibility.
It’s not feelings. It’s facts. He was on video saying he wanted to kill people. And it’s also well documented that the judge in the case was incredibly biased. He didn’t allow damning evidence against the murderer that any other judge would have allowed.
Look it up.