Defence agency says Moscow is using the protests in Stockholm to stir tensions between Arab countries and the west
LOL, what goal posts? You’re just randomly throwing out what you think are logical fallacies as your solution to countering narratives that paint Western actions in a negative light? Try to define the “goal posts” and then show what you think moved. Because as I see it, the question is “who hates brown people more” and that means the goal posts are quite literally “who’s actions have harmed brown people the most”
These “goal posts”, you know the ones you set and rhetorically asked to provide evidence for…
“No. Stop projecting Western pathologies onto your enemies. Russia certainly has its share of the Western mind virus, but so many of its cultures were not even considered White by Europeans. You could do research for the next year and try to compile all the evidence of Russia being against brown people and it couldn’t hold a candle to even 1 of the Western European states.”
You said Russia’s negative treatment of PoC wasn’t even comparable to any Western European country. He sent back a report about mistreatment in Russia. And you changed the subject to whether Russia or the USA has been worse. I think that is what the person responding to you is referring to.