Well, yes…but 4 day old bread from the fridge is basically inedible as well because of the bad taste.
I’ve never had my bread get stale from being in the fridge for 4 days. You have to leave it in a bag or airtight container.
Then you probably only ever had bad bread to begin with.
Edit: I suspect all the down-votes are from the US/UK who sadly never tasted good bread fresh from the oven it seems.
Good (fresh) bread only lasts a day or two around my house, because it’s amazing and delicious and everyone just eats it.
Average commercial everyday bread is going to sit around longer because it’s waiting on someone to feel like making a sandwich, or feel like having toast. It’s basically a pantry staple hanging out, waiting to get used. The fridge is fine for that.
EDIT I see your edit - I think culture/lifestyle is also playing a fair part here as well. I’ve spent most of my life living in a rural area where nothing is walkable, so trips to the grocery store were once a week. If I lived in a place I could just walk down the street to a bakery and grab a fresh loaf, that would be different. But just because I don’t live in a walkable place doesn’t mean I’ve never had good bread.
why are you comparing 4-day-old bread to bread fresh from the oven? wow yeah it really doesn’t compare, what genius observation. what kind of storage makes it as good as fresh bread from the oven, pray tell?
Downvoters are brain dead. Science aligns with the taste buds on this one. Freeze your bread, you degenerates! Doesn’t take terribly long to thaw, doesn’t become dry and stale af like fridge bread.
Hi, it’s you from the future, older and wiser, take your fucking bread out of the fridge!
It’s freshly baked daily at my local market, not the kind that sits on a shelf for months. If your bread can’t last a few days in the fridge then it’s also probably not bread…