Bananas. You shouldn’t.
Refrigerating bananas pretty much stops them ripening, so if you have some fully yellow bananas you can pop then in the fridge and it will stop them from over ripening for a few days. The peel will still go brown but the flesh remains as it was when you put them in. You definitely shouldn’t put green bananas in the fridge, but with yellows it buys you some time.
Freezing them changes the chemistry and they stop working for my fruit fly traps when fruit flies are around.
Pretty sure I remember a recipe video for banana cream pie that b one of the steps was freezing the bananas. Also used extremely ripened ones.
Maybe they stop working for your fruit flies because they don’t have access to your fridge? Edit: oh wait you make specific banana based traps?
Yeah! Put 2-3cm of apple cider vinegar into a jar, and slice up bananas (i put strawberries in there too so they don’t have to eat the same thing every day.) then roll a cone out of hard paper or thin cardboard. Tape it to the top of the jar, so the cone’s tip goes about 1-2cm from the vinegar (the bananas and whatnot should be slightly protruding from the vinegar.) The wide end of the cone should be wider than the mouth of the jar, sealed up with tape around the jar’s mouth.
Fruit flies CANNOT resist it. Within a day there will be no more flies in your house, and the jar you’ve made will be a fruit fly fuckfest paradise. The vinegar attracts them and makes the fruit not rot, so the trap you put in the basement and forgot about for months won’t get all stinky.
Edit: oh yeah the original question! Yeah if you use frozen bananas, the fruit flies hate them hahaha