I was floored when I learned that some people do this. It’s disgusting and a good way to accidentally eat botulism
Do you have a source on that? I’m pretty sure pizza does not go bad in 24h at room temp and normal humidity. While I agree that food safety is important not everything needs to be stored in fridge temperatures.
Well it depends on what one considers normal temperature and humidity I guess, now that I wrote this.
Anything cooked goes in the fridge or freezer, that’s something that everyone should be expected to know but humans are really good at proving how dumb they are. Thousands of people get sick every year from leaving food out in room temp. It’s not that it will always go bad quickly, it’s that the chance of that happening compared to keeping it in a colder environment is so much higher. And who the fuck likes sweaty room temp anything? It’s disgusting.
I guess people just fucking died before refrigeration…
And in regards to pizza: I mostly order pizza when hosting a party, so the fridge is full with other party stuff and at the end I’m tired anyways. Knowing that the leftovers will not survive the next 24h anyways it’s more convenient to just leave them covered by the pizza carton at room temp. Also I warm the pizza up anyways when I eat it.
Also sweaty? That’s actually something that happens when I leave certain stuff in the fridge because of condensation. I have more of a problem that it dries out outside the fridge. What climate are you living in? That could explain the difference in our world view.
Er doesn’t botulism specifically develop in oxygen-free alkaline environments? Seems like it’s unlikely on a day old pizza left on the table…
Besides, I always leave pizza out for days before consuming it all. To be fair, this is mostly in the winter when the house is cooler. And I don’t eat meat.
a good way to accidentally eat botulism
Not particularly likely; Clostridium botulinum doesn’t like oxygen. Still a good way to get food poisoning of some sort, just probably not that particular sort
I hope you never meet my family. Literally everyone aside from me just leaves leftover food in the pan/oven instead of putting it in the fridge. Sometimes for more than 24 hours (time depends on when I find it and put it in the fridge, because lord knows they won’t)
Yes I’ve yelled at them a million times and told them they’re ruining the food and risking health problems. No they don’t care.