I never had to before, always had reasonably active jobs. Supervisor role and middle age and a scolding from my doctor has made a difference.
I’ve been giving myself 20 minutes a day for the last six weeks. I haven’t really lost weight, but I do feel better.
I actually gained weight when I first got serious about the gym, and that worried me until my doctor reassured me that I was putting on muscle, not fat. These days, it’s pretty obvious in retrospect.
The real metric I pay attention to is blood pressure. As my dad’s getting older he’s been struggling with blood pressure, and I don’t want that to ever happen to me, so cardio is important.
It’s called “the silent killer” for a reason. Maybe you’re just tired lately from working hard, or you’ve been having headaches from eye strain, or maybe your blood pressure is at 170/120 and you’re actually near death.
That’s the shit that scares me. I’ve worked really hard to get my blood pressure way down (currently 110/60) and intend to keep it that way.