Any tool can be a hammer if you use it wrong enough.
A good hammer is designed to be a hammer and only used like a hammer.
If you have a fancy new hammer, everything looks like a nail.
AI in video games is a distinct subfield and differs from academic AI. It serves to improve the game-player experience rather than machine learning or decision making. During the golden age of arcade video games the idea of AI opponents was largely popularized in the form of graduated difficulty levels, distinct movement patterns, and in-game events dependent on the player’s input.
In general, game AI does not, as might be thought and sometimes is depicted to be the case, mean a realization of an artificial person corresponding to an NPC in the manner of the Turing test or an artificial general intelligence.
Look further down to see what currently understood AI, aka generative AI, is used for in video games
I don’t really see your argument? it seems that you agree with me. ai doesn’t always refer to AGI. sometimes it refers to AGI, sometimes it refers to the code controlling the little ghosts in pacman, or the code controlling the bats in Minecraft. sometimes it refers to the machine learning algorithm that can detect numbers in an image, and sometimes it refers to generative AI like stable diffusion. my point is that ai is a very broad term that refers to many different things.