The highlight for me is coming up with some weird pseudoscience justification for why it’s okay to hit your kids.
I’m calling it now: these kids will have terrible childhoods, and seeing the moral bankruptcy of right wing ideologies up close will radicalize them into being militant leftists.
I don’t know where to start.
“Dad, why is my sister’s name Octavia George?”
“Because your mother loves the Roman Empire.”
“Thanks Dad.”
“No problem Industry Americus.”
Does anyone else feel like we are setting up to a near future where people who choose not to have kids are seriously discriminated against?
These people are full of shit popping off like they do after THREE kids. Big fucking deal, my parents had three, and my brother and I were accidents. And they let us have heat in the winter and they didn’t hit us. Three is still normal!
There are some more lovely sneers in r/longreads