These images of #thebirdspapaya are from the same date: June 20, 2024. They were taken hours apart. #thebirdspapaya is wearing the same outfit. Her makeup and hair are unchanged. The lighting is similar. Both images were screen grabbed from iphone videos. Both iphones used are the latest iphone model. The birds papaya has earned millions of dollars for being a body-positive, body-confidence influencer. #thebirdspapaya has stated multiple times (in the press) that she has not edited, filtered or photoshopped her physical appearance since 2019. When questioned why she looks dramatically different in real life vs what she posts on instagram, Sarah Nicole Landry aka the Birds Papaya claims that makeup, angles, lighting and lenses cause the visual differences. In the above Instagram vs Reality side by side comparison we are able to eliminate lenses, lighting, makeup and angles as the cause for the visual differences. To us it looks like Sarah used the “no slim beauty filter” from tiktok and loaded the saved, un posted tiktok video to her instagram stories. This theory explains the multiple glitches found in the Instagram video. We were not able to see or capture any glitches from the IRL video. Both videos were taken using the same iphone model.
The one on the right is also the result of a LOT of cosmetic procedures that she claims she doesn’t get. I have nothing against these procedures as I get Dysport myself but I do think it’s important to not further perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards, especially as a so-called “body confidence” influencer. Disclosing one gets cosmetic procedures should be as normalized as disclosing one colours their hair. What she is doing is the equivalent of going on Ozempic and claiming the rapid weight loss is the result of diet, good genetics and exercise. It’s really damaging.
Wow. I went back to questioning my sanity again over TBP this past week and I thank you for this post. This is wildly different.
It seems like no matter what they just silence everyone. I got blocked today by a influencer who posted about Alicia’s smashtess and I said how upset I was that she would support them and IMMEDIATELY I was blocked
Also she seems to be getting that typical pillow face look from face filler maybe?
Took a few days off snarking, just now catching up. This is crazy lol. I forgot how much smaller her real forehead is. How much rounder her real face is, wider her neck. It’s all such a mindfuck.