What would happen if we evaluate platforms based on their video editors? Would you rather use KDE and Kdenlive or Gnome and Pitivi?
But both run on either desktop environment. This is a rather silly question.
why not just evaluate the apps themselves
Some video editors like Shotcut, Flowblade or Openshot are not affiliated with any particular platform, so you cannot evaluate them based on platforms. But Kdenlive and Pitivi are associated to specific Desktop environments and technologies. I am asking us to evaluate platforms based on their software. Lets evaluate KDE and Gnome based on what they have to offer?
Applications are platform agnostic. I run Kdenlive on Gnome and it works flawlessly.
Yeah, people mix and match applications all the time, and they don’t look too out of place to begin with these days.
I’ve personally used kdenlive on Mac OS, and it seemed to work fine for what I needed to do (even though I didn’t really know what I was doing). Not sure if Pitivi is available on homebrew.
I don’t think it’s on Homebrew, but it is available on Nix. Nix has a much bigger repository comparable to the AUR and you can use it as a normal package manager.
Ooh, I need to look into that. Work won’t let me use Linux so I’m using the Mac for work stuff. I try to use the same applications I use on my personal Linux machines anyway.
Next on the list of pointlessly reductive comparisons: let’s judge which is the best desktop environment solely on which has the superior clock app.