There are so many places in the world for a family vacation but this family is back at Disney because it’s Sarah Nicole Landry, The Birds Papaya’s, favourite place on earth. It doesn’t matter what anyone else would like to do - Sarah’s going to book their day and they’re going to love it and be part of all the pics and videos she’s going to post to show everyone what a great time her loving family is having! There aren’t too many pair of ears people can have. Who cares about planet? Not this woman!
Imagine having to film and share your whole day at Disney, how exhausting. Just enjoy your trip with your family and keep the memories to yourself or show them later instead of in real time. No one needs your bragging all day. I went on a trip recently and hardly put anything in my stories and didn’t share pictures until I got home.
I wish she’d drop her phone on a ride and lose it.
It’s part of Sarah’s - I’m a reality star - persona. She truly believes it’s her job to document her day for her adoring fans since they just wait for the next story to post. I also think she’s got the martyr thing going on and complains about how she’s always working, never gets to just take time off and she’s doing it all for them so they better cooperate
You’re totally right. And the always working thing is hilarious, this is her THIRD trip in a matter of weeks, nobody with a hard working job can just get up and leave so easily like her. What has she done lately aside from that? Film a shitty fitglow ad. All she does is go thrifting and shopping. The fact she’s made everyone believe she has this intense job is just mind blowing to me. They’re all suckers.
Imagine if instead of one of her several per annual Disney trips, she used that same time/effort/energy/money (or even a fundraiser via her audience) into helping sponsor a family evacuating Gaza. And yes I know she is not required to do so. But as someone with a platform, money, time, resources, that could be a very meaningful career choice and use of platform. Lots of creators are helping fundraise and do some good right now. She will post several videos a year crying and championing for teenage trick or treaters, but the kids in Gaza can 🖕 without a word
It’s the same Disney content over and over. Can’t wait for her to show us the Fuel Rod exchange.
It really is just the same thing every single time. The content could just be from another trip. Here’s a cinnamon bun I’m pretending not to eat bc I’m “gluten free”, here’s a small world, heres the dumbo ride, here’s a Disney Princess, later we’ll see a dole whip, fireworks. Wash, rinse repeat,
Cue the reel in front of the castle, some fireworks, saying yes, having kids years apart, her Disney cure-all for mental illness, and ads for her grocery delivery, trip planned, and affiliate links for character-themed atrocities. Oh, and their special character-themed restaurant reservations that she planned and budgeted for with her scrappy thrifting skills.
Booked their entire vacation probably without consulting what others would like to do, booking their whole days without asking what anyone else wants to do. All about Sarah and what she wants to do. You want to spend the day at the pool? Too bad! You’re going to magic kingdom, you’re wearing your ears, you’re getting exploited on Instagram and you’re going to like it because Sarah said so!
She always thinks she’s so special when she gets up early, wow good for you! Most adults do. I hope it storms on her fun.
Don’t forget, Sarah was so poor in her first marriage she had to eat chicken ribs, and she has PTSD from it. Meanwhile, she went to Disney AT LEAST once a year, and her single mom bullshit?! She still went to Disney and also went by herself as well. Her story with “when J was a toddler was the first time Tinkerbell visited us in a store” was J groveling for more chicken ribs, Oliver style? Her little wooden bowl and saying, “Please, sir, can I have some more??”
Sarah has never been poor in her life. She owned a home at 21. They took a few vacations a year. On her original blog she brags about her parents being fancy. Her parents helped her buy back the family home after Sarah’s divorce. Sarah has never struggled. Sarah never had to be a working Mother until she chose to for extra $$. Sarah likes to shop all the time. She likes deals because she can buy more and more and more.
Her legs in the pic of her holding her youngest … girl, those toothpicks are not your legs.
She is a shitty person. The filters on his disney adventure are all over the place. ESPECIALLY ON HER LEGS! Her legs keep melting together and you can see the glitches. TBP is a loser.
Everyone is in comfortable clothes: shorts, T-shirts, tanks etc., and the poor little toddler is in a huge synthetic dress, probably overheating, because Mama needs that outfit for the ‘gram content. Awful!