Yeah, can we please not distribute the insane bullshit of incels on 4chan.
I mean, this isn’t even funny.
It’s funny in the sense of “are you reading what this moron wrote? They actually think this? Pathetic.”
The whole thing is so fucking ridiculous that anyone who truly thinks this way should be mocked.
Most of the comments here are pointing out how stupid it is and talking about personal accountability and the actual reality of relationships.
It’s not an endorsement — it’s a window into the clown show.
But sometimes I just think it’s not worth it spreading the mental illness of others. Let it be confined to 4chan, where the post soon will be gone.
I also think it’s not great to equate incels with mental illness. I have CPTSD, depression and anxiety and none of those make me act like a fucking misogynistic twat. Inceldom isn’t mental illness, and equating it to or calling it mental illness does a whole lot of people a massive disservice.
Does he think women don’t have similar struggles getting men as well? Or that straight women simps exists?
They struggle with finding a good/the right man to keep long term, but simply getting a date takes half an hour on tinder while they can choose between 50+ guys in their immediate neighbourhood.
And this isn’t even purely my imagination, it’s annecdotal from things my sister pulled off.
Getting a date might be easy.
Is getting a date with someone who wants to do more than have sex with them a time or two?
The problem with Tinder is that most women will use it to date wildly out of their league. If you’re in the top 10% of guys (good looks, money, etc.) you can choose between 10 women to go on a date with every single night, so of course there’s no reason for them to ever commit. Meanwhile, all of those women who are dating them are hoping they can get them to commit if they have sex, which of course doesn’t work, because why settle for one dish if you can have a buffet every day?
But after having had a taste of the top shelf, it’s difficult to go back to average, so now these women’s standards are totally overinflated. They think because they’ve slept with a top dog, it must be possible to marry him too, and so they won’t settle for someone in their own league, kinda like once you’ve had a steak at a $100 per plate restaurant, it’s difficult to go back to Outback or Sizzler.
So many of them end up wasting their best years chasing the alphas, and by the time they realize it’s not gonna happen, they’re in their mid-30s, have gained 50 pounds from all the post-breakup ice cream they ate, and all the guys who would have married them in their 20s have either settled for someone else, or developed a massive depression, mental illness, alcoholism, or killed themselves.
Anon’s got problems, and somehow that’s everyone else’s fault. Classic 4chan
Anyway meanwhile in normal human land, the presence of pornography does not decrease the dating pool.
It has decreased my dating pool by exactly 1. My ex started doing porn and I decided I couldn’t go back.
Best thing to ever happen to me. No drunk texts and no forgetting why we split up.
No hate on people who date others in porn. It’s just not for me.
But the unstable relationships and alcohol abuse worked for ya. Got it. Good for her.
I think my point really is that the number of people who are available to date hasn’t really gone down because the industry exists. Now you may not want to date someone in the industry, and that’s totally fine, but anon doesn’t even have anyone yet and is complaining about a purely theoretical problem as if it’s a real one.
No, they have bigger issues.
I know. However, you said something that made my train of thought pull into a particular station. So you got a useless story because that’s what I do.
And I agree with everything you said.
I’m not siding with the crazy person posting the green text, just explaining their point. They are saying that the simps made it so profitable to be a virtual girlfriend that all women have become one, and there are no girls left that will date him because they’ve learned they can profit off of sex. When you really read it, op is an incel and believes the only thing keeping women from prostitution is the guaranteed paycheck. Op believes that once they realize the money will come in, every girl in the world will become a professional sex worker.
Exactly right; sex work has always existed (relative to the existence of currency/bartering tribute and some semblance of homo sapien societies) and will always exist in some form. There have always been those who are willing to be in relationships with sex workers and those that won’t. The landscape has changed, but the world’s oldest profession remains.
Take valid social commentary about capitalism’s commodification of intimate relationships and the impact that has on our ideas of dating
Turn it into ridiculous, hyperbolic, misogynistic, victim complex nonsense
Oh yeah, we’re greentexting today.
Misdirection. The problem is the lack of public commons culture and gathering points in the USA. More sane countries have places people gather in the evenings without exploitation or stigma about showing up alone. Our car centric nonsense and sprawl are a massive liability for present environmental and social needs.
Bars aren’t really a great solution. Alcohol has a number of downsides. They’re expensive. They’re often loud.
It would be cool if we had a wider variety of third places.
I might drink alcohol maybe one in a dozen-or-so times I visit a bar. Europeans visit taverns and pubs just like visitting any other restaurant. It would be cool if more Americans had a healthier relationship with alcohol, instead of living like there’s nothing between permanent and/or total inebriation, versus absolute sobriety.