There’s nothing wrong with home schooling if kids are meeting or beating national standards. What people doing home schooling need to remember is that college admissions are competitive af, so as long as you plan for that home schooling isn’t necessarily damaging or detrimental for child education.
Besides that, the U.S. needs higher national standards for stem at younger ages if the U.S. wants to train a globally competitive workforce. So while I respect individual rights to home school, I don’t think that home schooled students should ever be cut any slack on performance
Here’s some data
Though there are other reports which say that homeschooled students perform better than public school counterparts by wider margins, but it’s hard to say without looking at the data and comparison points directly. I mean, it wouldn’t make sense to compare rich homeschooled kids against poor inner city public school kids
Edit: oh so the autist in me always forgets the social and emotional dev part, but that’s super important. As someone who was bullied in public school, I am not sure I have an endorsement for public schooling as a great place for social and emotional development. In fact, public schooling may even be detrimental for highly sensitive children.
The key issue is that not every parent has the time or resources to home school, so the U.S. needs well funded and globally competitive public education because the few rich or well resourced home schooled kids are not going to encompass the entire U.S. workforce, or indeed carry the work of the entire nation on their shoulders
Do yall really want the GOP involved in what your kids learn?
I don’t want any political party or their agenda involved in what my kids learn.
Don’t attend a school board meeting then, or rather do, I wish every school board was filled with people like you
Sorry if I’m naive. But what’s happening at school board meetings. My oldest child just finished kindergarten and it’s mild as of now.
I wish twitter would hurry up and die.
Fascists: do fascist things
Liberals: correct their spelling, then allow them to continue because fascism doesn’t threaten capital
Homeschooling is technically the opposite of fascist approach. As in “state being in charge” vs “parents being in charge”.
That said, some parents are just too dumb to allow them full control over their child’s education. Just in my case it was their “try harder” attitude about school, while something like homeschooling would work much better.
Imagine an autistic adult who never dropped the imitation and missed on most good things in life, trying to impose the same onto their autistic child who at least understands that imitation takes too much energy and isn’t worth shit (and is seen right through by NT people anyway), thinking that their fake smiles, stupid loud nonsense talk and even fake hobbies (as in those they know nothing about, but talk a lot in public) don’t look that, and also being scared shitless of the very idea of going to a therapist (“I’m/you’re NORMAL”, this is common in ex-USSR though), and, finally, actively sabotaging any idea to isolate their stupidity and ignorance to them. That would be my dad.
Other than personal examples, there are good and bad parents and there are good and bad schools and there are good and bad education systems.
Parents generally don’t groom their children to become cannon fodder, some education systems do ; parents generally don’t want their children to be fooled by politicians, and education systems are directly influenced by those politicians ; parents generally care for their own children to have some successes, while for Prussian-style school systems it’s normal that some are just discarded, if the majority becomes good drones.
I went to a special high school where there was an autistic kid who was homeschooled for middle school. He was one of the few people who didn’t fit in.
I think this model of education is damaging to kids and the government should do something about it
I’m going to train my kids to fucking kill you
Most normal libertarian response