The amount of cringe when reading this is beyond infinite. Like what is this cult-like preach and behavior 😂
And how much more privileged this person can be?? ”That’s why we keep coming back”. Like does she realize most people can’t afford going even once. She seems so ignorant, not relatable at all.
Also, I miss the reddit snark, it’s wrong we got banned, reddit is full of similar pages about other influencers. Is there any hope getting it back? Very ironic that this new platform is called lemmy…
Her idiot followers eat this crap up. It’s her typical blah blah blah that really means nothing, and it’s also designed to make her naysayers look like big meanies! She’s just a kind, simple gal, with a gosh darn genuine love for the magic and wonder of Disney (even though her version of magic and wonder easily surpassed $15,000 for just two of them and a couple of the kids). It saves and sustains her troubled soul! They stayed at Animal Kingdom Lodge, in a room with a savannah view. The cheapest option is $694 USD/night for just 2 adults and goes up from there. $15,000 is very easily a conservative estimate. Her trying to be relatable is nauseating. She words things using “you’ve” because she doesn’t have to save for this. She can drop this money on a whim. This trip is not remotely accessible to the average family, who scrimp and save so they can stay at one of the value resorts, in the off-season, with deals. If you have the money, great, do what you want (although I still think her fortunes were founded on lies and deception). But Jesus Christ, stop pretending you’re everyone’s best, relatable friend. Most people don’t even have parents that will come as babysitters, let alone that will baby the ever-loving hell out of them and cater to their every whim. Her followers generally don’t have the dollars to do whatever they want (and the ability to grift so many freebies, even when they could easily pay).
It’s fucking gross and I hope influencer culture dies off because it’s a cancer on society.
So wait… one can stay at the animal kingdom for less than pink cottage in Flesherton ? If animal kingdom has clean water… I’m just saying it sounds like a steal 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Omfg. But do you have to book a minimum of 3 nights like the pink cottage;)?
- nobody is forcing you to get up before 7am. That is your choice. 7am is when LL booking opens and apparently that was alllll her. LL times do not start until parks open at 9am.
- Your kids always annoy you. That’s why you brought your mother, so you don’t have to deal with them. As usual
- Maybe there wouldn’t be so many “disappointments” if you didn’t plan and control ever second of the day and be a spoiled brat when things don’t go your way. It’s not a “disappointment”, it’s called “vacationing with your family”, which you know nothing of because you’re always off on trips by yourself.
Yesss all of this is spot on!! Especially 2 and 3, she apparently knows and gets nothing about vacationing with a family, she has unrealistic expectations, she thinks everything should be going by the book or otherwise it’s ruined and annoying and just an inconvience for her and her little puppet show she is wanting to portray for others. How come this mother of four knows this little about being a parent and being with kids. Still fresh in my mind the time she vented about L’s tantrum and how it made her embarrassed, completely let her down and ruined her day. She only wants the positives about having kids.
Her obsession with Disney is weird. Like she forces it too much? Who is this obsessed with a company? Like it’s just a theme park with people dressed in costumes lol.
Honestly Disney does give me a cult feeling and this post of hers doesn’t help. Trust me I know we all have our obsessions but I also don’t go around talking about the things I love this way and make it my whole entire personality lol.
Also LOL “you’ve saved to be here” yea because I’m sure you fretted about the cost of this trip 🙄 if it was difficult you wouldn’t go 10 times in a couple of years.
I’ve read posts just like this many times and no doubt she has as well. She has just taken words she’s read and made it into her own post. Just like everything else she does. Unoriginal Disney Princess Wannabe at her finest. 🤮 I hope her followers haven’t got their heart set on a Disney vacation after watching this performative clown because they would need about $30-$35,000CAD for a family of this size(including the grandparents)
You’re right, she’s def taken bits and pieces from other posts she’s seen. We all know she’s a plagiarist 🙄
The fact she acts like she’s been saving for months for this trip is shameful tbh. She just dropped 2 million dollars to buy a cottage and renovate it, she’s having her house renovated which is probably a couple 100 thousand dollars, and we’re meant to believe “they saved for this” give me a break. Yet her followers continue to fall for her act, it makes me sick,
Her ‘saving’ for this was impulse buying the tickets because she deserved a break from the house reno Does she forget she told everyone what she did in her stories that day?
She makes me suspicious of Disney adults. It’s just so lame and desperate the way she acts.
Right? I feel like she’s trying SO HARD to be noticed by Disney and have them like give her a free trip or be an affiliate or something.
This lady is UNHINGED. Who honestly feels this deeply about a corporation? Are we sure she isn’t a bot? Lol
A lot of middle aged women LOVE Disney. Specifically, booking Disney trips. I know several professional women who book Disney trips as a hobby. Not just for themselves either.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s back at the end of the year for her 40th bday. The only thing stopping her would probably be not enough people would go and lord knows she needs to be surrounded by her “friends” for such an occasion.
Oh I guarantee you, the Disney Corporation has a very sophisticated shadow marketing operation
Don’t doubt it at all. I’ve thought for long time that this whole “Disney adult” thing is literally just top tier propaganda. It couldn’t possibly be exploitative, wasteful, earth destroying capitalist bullshit because ~its okay to be a lil silly and drop $10k at an amusement park over and over again, it’s the only way to truly heal your inner child~ 🫠🤑
I hated this post by her so much. The having to save was such garbage. I feel so icky when she tries to interact with the kids. Even J doesn’t play along much anymore. B is always trying to be recognized/seen/heard in the background and mostly ignored. We know M is over it/shy. Good for her. They should all boycott their mother’s narc bullshit! I just find her over posting of her super privileged and tone deaf trip so gross.
Also I’m pissed that the other sharks still exist on Reddit. The Al Mc one was nasty and mean to the max! I’m glad we have this as an outlet but it’s not the same.
I agree about J. She used to love being on Sarah’s videos and even she doesn’t seem to want to anymore. Glad the kids are trying to distance themselves from being Sarah’s content.
She’s 16 now and her friends probably don’t think her mom’s cool. That matters to a kid
She is pushing her privilege in people’s faces like a cream pie. The fact she mentions bringing her parents along is unnecessary.
Like I get she’s an influencer and it’s her income but lady needs to stfu and be on vacay and maybe post the high points like normal people do!!! We don’t need to know where she’s staying and with whom. I want her to fuck off. And when she’s done fucking off I’d like her to fuck off again. And then she can fuck all the way off and so can her high horse (sorry, horse. Get a new gig!)