This is the Warlockpicking Lawyer, and what I have for you today is a forged iron lock commonly used on utility entrances of royal properties. While most locksmiths would begin by trying to bypass the warding, I have chosen a less refined method. Every locksmith worth their salt knows that even the strongest locks are useless if the hinges are destroyed. So I’m going to take this war pick that Bosmer Bill and I made, and get to work.
Hold one while I cast mending to repair the hinge, then we’ll do that again just to prove it wasn’t a fluke.
Where can i buy that thing?
Just checked Cold Steel because its basically the default for this sort of wacky shit and its not there sadly. They do have an axe walking stick though.
Iirc, it’s made by united cutlery.
And it is indeed more fun than it looks. I don’t have one of my own, but I’ve played with it.
And its only ~200 USD
It really shines in combat with spells like “boneshatter” and “head crusher.”
Dismantle car is a spell I would cast more than 95% of spells in the PHB if I could.
Goldfish actually have perfectly fine memories all things considered. Their short memory span is a myth.