Pet shop won’t let me place an order until I create a pet profile with my cat’s name, breed, birthdate and gender. As in I’d be forced to fork over those details to buy the items.
What the hell
Has anyone else run into this?
Is that petbarn? Because I noped out of their website last week for something similar.
Enter name as ‘Vogon’, breed as ‘sabre tooth tiger’, birthdate as 1/1/1900, gender as ‘undefined’.
name and shame! Pet circle nag gently at me to finish my profile, but I order gaily away without entering a damned thing
It was Petcircle. I’m not sure if that’s why it wasn’t letting me order but it really did seem to be
There were asterisks on the fields and the Place Order button was grayed out
weird, lemme check my login
…yup it popped up with that stupid pet profile shit, but there’s a DO LATER option that makes it go away - are you on mobile? Maybe try viewing desktop version of the site
Think I’ll go out for a walk and do some errands while it isn’t raining, 😘
My underdesk treadmill arrived today. Not easy to type on the keybord while using it but happy to be getting some exercise
Feeling better after getting out of bed and making myself some tacos with the last five tortillas and bits and pieces. Still have leftover pickled onions (orange and vinegar), from two weeks ago and I’m sold on having a jar of these going on at all times - just a little transforms any taco or sandwich
in brighter news, Iv’e fallen down the rabbit hole of recipes and now I got the fever