in group text:
sends pic of shooter
“Hey, this guy looks kinda sus, huh?”
Chief just now
“He’s just laying on the building maybe he’s just using the range finder to get a better view, idk though we’ll see what happens lol 😌”
This is such a clown show…
One sniper inside spotted the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, according to the officer who spoke to CBS News. The sniper observed Crooks as he returned to the building, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the local snipers took a picture of Crooks.
Next, the local sniper observed Crooks looking through a rangefinder, an instrument routinely used by marksmen to determine the distance of a target, and he immediately radioed to the command post, according to the local law enforcement officer. The local sniper also attempted to send the photo of the gunman up the chain of command.
Officials then lost track of Crooks, who disappeared, but soon returned for a third time with a backpack. The local sniper team called for backup — alerting the command post that the gunman had a backpack and was walking toward the back of the building.
Two other municipal police officers who heard the call for back-up attempted to climb onto the roof. Butler County Sheriff Michael Sloupe told CBS Pittsburgh station KDKA that an armed municipal officer with Butler Township was hoisted by another officer onto the roof of the building where the gunman had taken a position. Crooks focused his rifle towards the officer who ultimately let go, falling off the roof. Moments later, the shooter began firing into the crowd.
In a reasonable world, Crooks wouldn’t have even been allowed to go near the building. In a less reasonable world, Crooks would have been confronted by armed men as soon as they saw him look through a rangefinder. In a world that was the least bit reasonable, Crooks would have been shot the moment he took a gun out of his bag. But here we are.
You’re forgetting that this stuff is very often just security theater and many officers are playing dress up. When shit goes down, nobody is ever prepared even when they have the correct training.
Yea, but this was secret service. They’re supposed to be the best of the best. I guess not.
Apart from all the actual missed confrontations, it seems like you should just pay someone to be up on any building that’s a security risk. They don’t have to be super vigilant or highly trained, just the equivalent of a traffic cop working a construction site. Their presence alone would remove it as a threat.
You’d think so, but apparently a slightly sloped roof is more that the Secret Service can handle.
Secret Service Chief: Trump Shooter’s Sloped Roof Left Unmanned Due to Safety Concerns
I hope all these sources get on the same page soon because I have some old head friends who read all this stuff and believe he was a Chinese national working for the Iranians, set up next to snipers in a building cleared by locals. They say he was then confronted after he climbed a ladder but before he bear-crawled 25 feet to aim, only to be interrupted by local cops forcing him to fire quickly but was killed by snipers who had been watching him use a range finder for hours.
Please get it together, all these 50-year-old conspiracy theorists are going to start having heart attacks lol.
all these 50-year-old conspiracy theorists are going to start having heart attacks lol.
And that is a problem why?
Mainly because heart attacks suck and tend to kill but also because I’m not a heartless cunt wishing death on people just because they are stupid.
Also because the heart attacks of god fearing republicans was the goal all along! The Democrats, in concert with George Soros, devised this plan in 2020. By fixing the vote, it radicalized the Trump loving shooter setting up the situation for the shooter to be the cause of the heart attacks. Its an elaborate multi-pronged plan years in the making that is only now coming to fruition…and these liburls think good republicans are stupid enough to fall for it. Pizzagate!11!1!!! /s
Gen X isn’t the problem here. It’s boomers. It’s always been boomers who were the problem.
Oh now there old friend, I wasn’t making a generalization as to a whole ass generation. I am sure I could commiserate with you as to the fuckery boomers have shit down our backs since they traded in free love for free hate but I try real hard not to drag ass on a bitch after 5pm if you get my meaning.
I’ll do it for you. They all have Reaganite Brain Worms, throw them in the trash.
There’s a lot more of gen x than boomers. Maybe y’all should have been voting.
you have to forgive them for forgetting about Gen X, it is sort of a theme
In my experience GenX is almost as bad, they have a huge fucking chip on their shoulders instead of believing they are God’s chosen generation
I’d suggest reading the article. It gives the play by play of how the events occurred. I think you’re reading headlines and then constructing your own picture of what happened.
Bless your heart, I read it right before I posted. Thank you kindly for the advice though.
At some point, everything I wrote was in an article just like this one, only citing “sources in (insert official entity here)” and always starting with “sources say.” Well, except for the Iranian one, that one was a separate incident but a buddy of mine mentioned it right before I read the post so I added it.
If only there was ONE MORE GUN OFFICER SNIPER he would NOT have been able to get a shot off!
Kind of surprising they didn’t blast him as soon as he pulled out the rangefinder.