If you still have access to your account, screenshots of the last “offending” post or comment would be great. https://lemmy.world/c/banhammered

14 points

I was banned from the Anti-Work subreddit for questioning why someone in a picket line was dressed like the wish .com version of Che Guevara. He looked ridiculous, nobody else was dressed up, and they were picketing a fucking Starbucks.

I thought it was just a funny observation but the mods banned me after it got upvoted to top comment on the post lol

3 points

It was probably one of the mods


An /r/Conservative post popped up on /r/All announcing that they would be banning anyone who shares a differing opinion, and bullshit like that. At some point in the post it said they didn’t know what to call that type of community. So I quoted that bit and said,

“It’s called an echo chamber. You are admitting that this is an echo chamber and is not meant for real discourse or discussion.”

I was banned within 3 minutes.

I was banned from /r/Gaming for simply giving the exact version number .BIN file to use for PCSX in a thread asking on how to get PCSX working. I don’t know how their no link to piracy rule applies, but that’s what they used against me. The rest of the comments helping and the post itself should have also been removed and banned though, as they wanted to interpret their rules to mean any discussion of piracy or emulation. Up until the split, I had just been posting with an alt account to get around the ban.

I was banned (and later reversed) from the entire site just a month before the API bullshit announcement for making a joke about punching Nazis on a thread that was a joke about punching Nazis. I wasn’t the only one, either. That entire thread got absolutely nuked by some pissed off Nazi admin. It took a week of spamming appeals before it was overturned by an admin who actually can understand context.

I was banned from… Uh… I forget the exact name of the subreddit. It was one of the Feminism subs, but it was consistently full of misandrists not actual feminists. I pointed out their hypocrisy on a thread and was promptly banned.

I was banned from /r/furry_irl for posting a trans related joke on a trans related post. The joke came directly from my sister, who is herself trans and heard the joke in her trans support group. The mods simply went “oh he’s pulling the ‘but I have black friends’ bullshit” and then disabled me from even communicating with the mod team, labeling me a transphobe.

0 points

I was banned from… Uh… I forget the exact name of the subreddit. It was one of the Feminism subs, but it was consistently full of misandrists not actual feminists. I pointed out their hypocrisy on a thread and was promptly banned.


7 points

I got permabanned as “antisemitic” for criticizing Israeli politics. That this is a quite common tool used by the Israeli government to shut down any criticism of their actions is nothing new. But to see this applied in a subreddit actually surprised me.

2 points

Used to get flagged as a suicide risk when interacting with the IDF foreign relations department. Saying things like the people in sheikh Jarrah deserve to live there.

6 points

I was banned from /r/politics for posting the famous Kennedy quote, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

The ban reason? “Glorifying violence.”

I mean, I do glorify violence, I just wasn’t doing so at that exact moment.

4 points

I got a similar ban. Someone posted a video of a nazi getting punched and I commented “I will never not upvote a video of a Nazi getting punched”.

I copped a 3 day site wide ban for inciting violence while the video itself remained up after hitting the front page…

4 points

I get banned from Facebook groups all the time for dumb reasons. Facebook group mods and admins have a God complex or something.


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