Where’s the TP? Bad enough you gotta parkour your way to the shitter but then you also gotta parkour your way out with mudbutt
… something is wrong with you if you get shit all over you when you poop…
If you gotta parkour yourself off the shitter without wiping poop is bound to get places other than your un-wiped anus. Also, diarrhea is a thing. The hershey squirts know no bounds as to where the lingering feces will wind up
I was too distracted by the multiple ways I could die using that toilet to notice the lack of tp!
Hole-y shit
Pranking somebody by opening the cellar while they’re taking a shit. Good luck leaping back.
That re-defines longdrop.
Looks like a nice place to take a dump though, ngl
Oof imagine a difficult sweaty shit where you have to take your shirt off. I need room to spread out sometimes.
If this had a door and the rest of the place is nice enough, I wouldn’t mind having a toilet like this. Hell of a conversation starter.