Curious to see as it seems to be a trend lately
Article on Dell from a month ago:
Interesting article. The author cited a study by Stanford claiming that 100% remote work resulted in a small drop in productivity. I’m curious as to how they would determine that. My [annecdotal] experience has been that orgs that are fully in person are completely inept at measuring productivity. Remote work just shines a giant spotlight on existing broken processes.
I would say the same about “culture”. Good culture is highly intentional and dragging a bunch of people into the office for cheap pizza is not “good culture.” In my experience, whether everyone is remote or in person does impact the culture, but that impact is dramatically outweighed by the effort – or lack thereof – by leadership to foster good culture.
It’s an excellent opportunity to dust off the resume.
You can pry my work pajamas from my cold dead hands.
A company I was at tried it and all developers said they’d quit if the policy were introduced. Management backed down really quickly after that.
Hybrid. Not happy.
Mandatory hybrid 3 days a week.
The rule was unequally applied. Lots of people left. Some got laid off. Many more are looking. No one is happy.