I think this coverage is actually great for the Dems. For so long the coverage was only Trump Trump Trump, which is free advertising for Trump. Now they’re giving fictitious attacks on Kamala, so we’re seeing Harris Harris Harris. Looks like this election actually has a chance of turning around.
This could turn around any moment though, currently the spotlight is on Harris because she’s new to the race, and we’re seeing the GOP reactions. But once the GOP gets their members properly turned around to a strategy, probably in a month, they’ll have found something to talk about that brings trump in the spotlight again.
I’ve always felt, right or wrong, that electing Obama was the flashpoint for how unmoderated the right has become; basically, we elected a black person to the highest position in America, and it caused the right to show their true colors. I genuinely feel that if we elected anyone else (that was white), things would be completely different right now.
That said, now that we have another candidate of color, and a woman to boot, the right is experiencing the same emotions they felt when we elected Obama. And frankly, I hope it causes their heads to explode.
(Personally, I’m a little on the fence about the switching of candidates so close to the election. I admit that I’ve never been one to embrace change easily. But the more I see these fools bitch and moan like they have been, the more confident I am becoming in the decision.)
🥥 🌴 🇺🇸
Conservatives aren’t the most flexible in the world. Actually, it’s pretty much in their ethos: never change. change is evil. change is bad. We’ve changed a lot, so they’re actually pretty regressive. Probably would outlaw soap if they could.
The point being, it’s hard for a conservative mind to react quickly to things; so they pull out the old familiar retorts.
Actually, it’s pretty much in their ethos: never change. change is evil. change is bad.
That’s not really what conservatism is. They want to not change one specific thing, and that’s autocratic hierarchy. You can be sure that if society were egalitarian instead, they’d be all-in-one on radical change to make it hierarchical.
gonna need the sauce on that.
Every definition I’ve seen, has always stated that conservatism is a political philosophy that seems to preserve tradition. or as wikipedia puts it:
Conservatism is a cultural, social, and political philosophy and ideology that seeks to promote and preserve traditional institutions, customs, and values.[1][2][3] The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the culture and civilization in which it appears.
in the US an autocratic heirarchy is part of their “traditional values”. Republicans are more regressive than conservative- they’re not trying to preserve what ‘is’, they’re trying to return to what ‘was’. mostly because they’ve failed to realize the rest of society has largely moved past them.
Sure thing; here ya go!
The Alt-Right Playbook Endnote 3: The Origins of Conservatism