I’m curious, what do you do about VLC if you use a tiling WM ?
- Do you ignore the pain and still use a theme ?
- Do you not use a theme and live with it messing up your nice color scheme ?
- Do you just not use VLC ?
it just follows my qt theme, haven’t had any issues with vlc on swayfx
here is my config (qt.nix, using home-manager):
{ pkgs, ...}: {
qt = {
enable = true;
platformTheme.name = "qt5ct"; # compatibility with qt5, while still working with qt6
style.name = "kvantum";
xdg.configFile = {
"Kvantum/Catppuccin-Mocha-Peach".source = "${(pkgs.catppuccin-kvantum.override {accent = "Peach"; variant = "Mocha";})}/share/Kvantum/Catppuccin-Mocha-Peach";
"Kvantum/kvantum.kvconfig".text = "[General]\ntheme=Catppuccin-Mocha-Peach";
home.packages = with pkgs; [
I generally don’t use VLC since it caused interpolation on videos where it should not. I think I use mpv with some front end when needed. But for a while it is “set and forget” for me 😅
As someone that’s been through all three:
I tried a theme but I couldn’t be bothered much
So I stuck to default theme, knowing it ruined my colourscheme.
Now, I’m on MPV and everything works perfectly, except that I need to run it from a terminal because I really can’t be bothered to do a drag n drop of a file into the mpv window. I’d recommend using mpv with window swallowing enabled for your terminal.
Alternatively, you can use an MPV frontend.