I am not actively following Canadian politics, but recently Reddit swarms me with media/videos about Canada, with the kind of rhetoric I know from right winged people in Germany (AfD, CDU).

They are blaming Trudeau and immigration for everything that happens in Canada currently. Calling immigrants terrorists etc.

I always had to imagine in my head, that Canadians are friendly, open-minded people, but the media suggest otherwise.

So dear people, enlighten me with your opinion please!

1 point

I don’t have the time to reply to all your answers…, But I am very thankful for your replies.

I didn’t know that /r/Canada really was just a bad example.

8 points

Just to be clear to everyone, there are literal Neo-Nazi mods of /r/Canada..

13 points

r/canada is a complete and utter shithole, don’t base your opinion of Canada off that sub cause I’d be shocked if more than a 1/3rd of regular commenters/posters are actually Canadian. Unpopular opinion on Lemmy, but I still use reddit daily on my pc so I can block ads and use RES with old reddit. 99% of the time I just browse by my subscribed subs which are all niche stuff that hasn’t yet made its way to Lemmy, but when I do dare to venture to r/all, I can feel my brain cells committing suicide.

Anyways, I’ve been subbed to r/canada since 2015 when I first started using that website and the massive increase in right wing propaganda is very noticeable. If a non-Canadian looked at that sub, they’d think Canada was a mostly right leaning country, when the opposite is true. If the left vote wasn’t split between people holding their noses and voting for the Liberals, and those voting for the NDP (my preferred party for 14 years now) then the tories would never win another election for a long time.

I’m 30 and born and raised in Canada. I can count the amount of right-wingers I’ve met on 2 hands. Most people I’ve met are friendly and accepting of people, although the rise in brainwashing from “conspiracies” is sadly increasing the amount of right-wingers. It also doesn’t help that the TFW (temporary foreign worker) program is being abused to fucking hell by shitty, greedy corporations and that’s starting to slowly turn people against immigrants. Even as a very left wing person, I’m getting annoyed at how many companies exclusively hire TFW’s in jobs that used to go to high school kids and young people in general. Why hire a teen that has a complicated schedule with school and just generally being a teen, when you can hire a TFW that depends on your pathetically small pay cheque to make ends meet?

I’ve been working with immigrants since I got my first job 17 years ago, and I can count on one hand the amount of shitty immigrants I’ve met. There are far more “natural born” assholes than there are immigrants, it’s not even a comparison. 99% of the immigrants I’ve met are awesome and hard working people that Canada is lucky to have. But companies are 100% abusing the shit out of it to suppress wages, and landlords are absolutely loving the shortage of housing due to our insane population growth. My rent went from $1800 a month in 2017 for a decent, well maintained 3 bedroom in a nice neighbourhood, to $2800 in 2022 for a complete shithole 3 bedroom in a sketchy neighbourhood.

People are rightfully frustrated with the state of Canada, but unfortunately that leads to a lot of brain dead morons blaming immigrants rather than the government that’s happily serving the corporate and landlord classes at the working classes expense.

I know the last half of my post makes me sound like I’m against immigrants, but I’m absolutely not. Like I said, I’ve met far more shitty “natural born” Canadians than I have immigrants. I’m always happy for more good people to come to Canada and help to make our country better and more diverse. I’m just against greedy assholes abusing immigrants for profit at the expense of the common Canadian. Wages are being suppressed and rent is being artificially inflated because of the government caring more about keeping a good stock of wage slaves to support the boomers retirement. Trudeau even straight up said “house prices must remain stable” because god forbid the fucking boomers lose a bit of their net worth by reigning in housing prices.

The average Canadian is just getting bent over and fucked by the greedy owner class and I’m fucking sick of it, but the NDP have basically zero chance to win unfortunately and they’re the only ones that would actually help the average Canadian.

7 points

IMHO Canadians are not significantly friendlier than most nationalities. At most they are friendlier than the average big-city dwelling Americans, and that’s where the meme came from. Up until a few years ago Canada was a country of small cities, and these comparisons are all inherently flawed given the myriad of factors involved.

There is a LOT of conservatism brewing in Canada, and this hasn’t much to do with friendliness. Some of the most astoundingly friendly people I’ve met were midwesterner Americans… and these same people were very bigoted in some regards. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.

Of course there’s a theme, and big truck jackasses playing heavy metal with “Fuck Trudeau” & MAGA stickers abound. But visit an assembly from any affluent neighbourhood residents association and you will see highly educated and courteous old ladies parrot genocidal talking points.

3 points

At most they are friendlier than the average big-city dwelling Americans, and that’s where the meme came from.

Haha, that could be true.

4 points

Males worldwide are swinging hard to the right. It’s concerning.

2 points

Males worldwide are swinging hard to the right. It’s concerning.

Yes, the problem is the men. Thanks.

2 points

Less glibly, couldn’t you look at this through a more positive lens? Can you not be grateful towards our sisters, mothers and daughters for their capacity to resist the fascist hatred that is washing over the planet? Like if we narrowly avoid slipping in to full on fascist governments, then yeah, it will be because of the women, not because of the men. And if we narrowly avoid saving ourselves from that fate, then yeah, it’ll be more the responsibility of the men of the world than the women. It’s a plain as day fact that you can see over the last ten years of polling. If that fact is hard for you to process, probably this public forum isn’t the best place for you to try to work it out.

4 points

What I am hearing is that you would like to tell us about your trauma. Well, please. Go ahead.

5 points

Macho hyper masculinity and nationalism supplanting education will do that :(




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