Hamas is known to have redundancies in place for cases like this. What is the goal of this? It seems like this is just going to create a Martyr, and won’t materially benefit Israel, just sour peace talks (unless that’s their aim).
I think the goal is to provoke a war with Iran. Netanyahu just got back from US where he presumably got the green light for it.
That sounds like a terrible decision to make considering 50% of Israelis live in the 30 most populated cities, cities which are all clustered together and very bombable… then again, I don’t think jets from the late 70s would fare well against Israel’s very modern air defenses. An ancient F-14 or a MiG-29 would probably spontaneously collapse at the sight of a Patriot SAM operated by Israel.
Depends on what’s considered “rational.” They’ve been successful as a genocidal settler-colonial ethnostate, but I think they are getting increasingly desparate as the international community notices their cracking mask.
i think ‘rational’ is sticking to the two-state solution. ‘Liberal’ Zionism is fading away.
Clearly israel is not interested with negotiation.