It’s from a Pittsburgh Restaurant
You ever manage at a restaurant? STFU. These are all legit questions for that industrial demographic. What’s wrong, you just get fired from your last serving job😂?
If you have an issue with this questions then you really need some introspection. Who cares? Do you want the job or not? They’re easy questions to answer.
imagine not lying your ass off to some bozo like that. assuming you’re in dire enough circumstances to need the job.
I would tell this asshole I worked at the White House and had training in the highest standards where I received commendations for 10 years of service. And I only left and moved back to do my part in elevating the community with hard work and grit.
then, when his back is turned clonk em with a honing rod and rob his ass blind.
If you ever want a job at these types of places you need to let it shine through that youre hardworking and desperate, aka easily exploitable. A gig at the white house on your resume would be an instant disqualification.
did I say I wanted a job there? I want to clonk him, take his wallet and bank deposit bag.
the white house story is to make him pull out his phone and try to confirm some particularly outrageous claims in my story (“They posted a photo of me on the home page to honor me for my service.”)
that’s clonkin’ time.
you’re probably thinking, how are you going to do this, because the you’ve only filled out a form online and he’s reading it later.
how indeed! please send $50 to Cashapp M0n3yRiddLer2024 to learn the secrets of high tech robbery.
Lie and leave ASAP
i’d write a big “fuck yourself” in each of those blanks
such and obvious stupid power trip
why? cuz youve probably got a few people working there who just lied and are doing fine lol had their friend answer the phone
Who doesn’t like on applications lol. I worked for a place a year and then was unemployed for a year? Actually I worked there for 2 years.
Oh, my resume is full of lies. It’s ironically for capitalism’s own good that we all lie on resumes.
Employers are some of the most perfectionist nutjobs I can think of. I have plenty in my rural ohio hometown. I tried to wash dishes once and got turned away because “Sorry kiddo, I only hire world-class talent, and you haven’t worked before!” Perfectionism is literally a CIA sabotage tactic, yet employer entitlement is so high they voluntarily do it to themselves.