Hope they are better at building AI than building sites, the animation of it ticking up to the correct values only worked once (looks like that animation is triggered by scrolling the page so if you just F5 on the stats it doesn’t work).
Image description:
A list of “Our credentials” and “The mark we’ve made”, containing things like “solutions developed and deployed”, “global customers”, “reduced fraud cases”, “overal error rate” and more. But all the values are stuck at 0+ or 0%.
For me it just doesn’t work no matter what I do so ye.
All hail the front-end ecosystem under our Lord Emperor NodeJS.
this is the pretty cyborg lady, definitely sends the right message to nontechnical CEOs you’re trying to sell outsourcing to
Wow, 100+ APIs!! Process Governance, API Governance, and Model Governance (MLOps)!!! Sign me up!
there’s a button on that site that activates what I’ve decided is Piss Noir mode, because it makes everything monochrome except the buttons and other random elements, which are neon yellow