Because we haven’t exterminated the conservatives.
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong because I have trouble understanding this. But someone told me the other day that I’m the height of the Great Depression,1931(?), that the average American was making 88k in todays dollar.
Today the average American is making 33k. Is this true?
If this is true that would totally explain the amount of mental illness on top of climate change concerns. If it is true I don’t know why more people wouldn’t be talking about it
A lot of those claims are based on tax return numbers, which radically overestimate the average salary back then because only the richest people actually filed taxes during that time.
Don’t get me wrong, we’re not in a good place, but it’s not peak great depression bad.
Can’t comment on 88K figure
But for current times… 33k is a bit to low. I think official stats is that wage is 39K for all working adults. and closer to 50k for full time working adults. these are median, not averages. ie 50% makes less, 50% make more.
You are below median. Here are some data on U.S. median personal income over time.
I’ll choose “every politician is a lying grifter” for $500, Alex.