I commonly read youtube comments that state a drug like Strattera completely changed their adhd for the better.
Whilst I havnt tried this(yet) I wondered what other options exist?
The generic for Ritalin works wonders for me. Extended Release though, not regular or Sustained Release.
The second thing that most improved my ADHD was not trying to do anything complex or important in the evenings after focus is lost. Just let it be relaxation and gaming time so I don’t need to clean up my failure in the morning.
Interesting. I’m usually wired in the morning, crash late afternoon/evening, and then get wired again at around 11pm.
Tbh. While Ritalin is high on this list, the single most life improving thing was to get my shit together and finally go talk to my doctor about it and get help from a psychiatrist. I begged my doctor to not just send me home and leave it up to myself to call the psychiatrist and I begged for her to force me to call back and verify I booked a time. My ADHD gives me anxiety if I break a promise so that finally did it for me by promesing to my doctor that I’ll call back when I got the help. I safeguarded the hell out of the situation also with my girlfriend because I was so desperate for help and just could not get myself to do it alone. As I got started it got easier to keep going realy quickly because I got motivated, but oh boy was the beginning it all the hardest part of everything.
Yes! It feels like nobody ever considers ANY of this!
“Sure, we can help, just call these people, fill out these forms, fax your insurance card to these 4 numbers, and…” nevermind, I’m going to bed.
I sent my referral to the psychiatrist office and mostly forgot. Then I was talking to someone about looking at getting a diagnosis and went, “actually I sent a referral a couple months ago. I wonder what happened with that. I should probably follow that up”,narrator: He didn’t.
They called me though a couple weeks after that. But my thought on the subject was, maybe that’s the first part of the diagnosis process. If you can remember you have started organising it, you’re off to a bad start.
Ignore this if you’re only looking for medication advice.
I simply stopped going against my ADHD. I stopped trying to achieve things that ADHD was preventing me from achieving. “Achievement/success” is completely overrated.
How did you achieve this? Did you change jobs or positions at your job? What do you do for a living?
I live in a country with social safety net. If I lose my job, I just live on that until I find a new one. I have a roof and warmth and food, that is enough for me.
Currently I work in a job with 20 hours a week, work from home, and flexible so I can work almost whenever I want. When I feel too bad about not having worked a while I start working, as is ADHD custom. I don’t do a lot, I’m not recognized as a hard worker, I don’t stand out, I just do enough.
That’s exactly my aim now. I overworked myself in past. Employers out here are living in the past, demanding 40h weeks. This really broke me several times with burnout depression. Now, in the job interviews, I tell them all that I will not work more than 35h, better: 32.
There’s some merit in that. But I wouldn’t really recommend always allowing it. Modern life requires doing some things that ADHD tries to prevent (like finishing that super important project or whatever), but if we give in to it, we can feel some repercussion (like losing our jobs).
Yeah but that’s exactly what I’m saying. If you live in a country with a good social safety net and are fine with living with little money, then losing your job because you didn’t finish that big project is not a problem.
Maybe for some, sure. But I don’t want to assume OP is one of those, and suggest this tactic. It might be a great way to deal with ADHD, I’m not arguing one way or the other, since it seems to work for you and that’s absolutely amazing. However, it could land some people in a lot of hurt.
Completely serious? Psylocibin does an amazing job of neutralizing my ADHD for a few hours. The lingering effect makes it easier to self regulate for about two weeks after a trip. It’s a wonderful thing. I literally cried the first time.
It does the same to my depression. For about two weeks afterwards I just feel capable of feeling happy? Antidepressants have NEVER achieved that.
Straterra didn’t do shit other than make my libido nonexistent. Ritalin has worked well for me. I know people who felt like they were in hell while on Ritalin. A lot of it is trial and error since all bodies process them differently.
I will say, there are genetic tests you can take to see which medications are tolerated well by your body. I took one and surprise surprise, I had the markers for straterra not being well tolerated. Also if you have other family members who have ADHD and are on medication it’s a good idea to ask them since your genetics will be somewhat similar.
Hah, that’s Cipralex for me. Works wonders for the anxiety for me, but it really kills sex drive.