I am in the process of moving, and found my old collection of Star Trek cards. No idea when I actually got these, it was mid-late 90s, and I have the majority of the 120 cards I know about (as well as some bonus cards)
This is card 001. It comes in English, with 5 (01A-01E) extras in other languages.
They come in various flavors, hilighting important cast, crew, characters, ships, etc.
That german translation is a bit wrong…
this here is the correct translation:
Der Weltraum (Space).
Unendliche Weiten (The final frontier).
Wir befinden uns in einer fernen Zukunft (???).
Dies sind die Abenteuer des Raumschiffs Enterprise (these are the voyages of the starship enterprise),
das viele Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt unterwegs ist (its continuing mission),
um fremde Welten zu entdecken (to find strange new worlds),
unbekannte Lebensformen (to seek out new life)
und neue Zivilisationen (and new cilizations).
Die Enterprise dringt dabei in Galaxien vor (to boldly go…),
die nie ein Mensch zuvor gesehen hat. (…where no man has gone before)
That first picture is a season 3 promo shot. It’s kind of weird to me how Dr. Crusher is the only one wearing blue.
And I think Troi’s jumper looks like the maroon one from the show. That whole image looks horribly color balanced, and very over saturated, to the point they made it look as red as the uniforms.
Everyone also looks very tired. Like they had them get up at 4 in the morning to do the photo op before shooting.
Damn the French traduction is not good, and incorrect compared to the show’s translated opening.
No translation into Klingon?
Unfortunately not. Missed opportunity!
And my cassette of Power Klingon isn’t much help with these particular phrases…
Spanish is fairly poor. Weird of then to say “Espacial Starship Enterprise” when “nave espacial” literally means spaceship.