Unfortunately many of those “exercise people” this tweet is referring to do not take any disabilities into consideration. I can’t tell you how many people have told me to just “go for a walk” when my disabilities require me to do specific exercises from a horizontal position. At some point I might be able to do slightly more intense recumbent stuff (very slow, low resistance cycling) but walking/running will unfortunately never be something that helps me. And don’t get me started on the HIIT fad. I would die lol (not joking though)
Yeah, if you mean laps etc it’ll be when I can move up to more intense stuff. Right now I can basically sit and float around.
Right now the exercises I do feel like I’m doing nothing (until later, then I’m exhausted for days). It’s frustrating because before all of this happened I was doing a lot of incline and strength training, which I can’t do anymore. The exercises I’m able to do now basically amount to a few flutter-like moves and some shoulder work. Even that was too much this week so going to have to tell my trainer we have to pull back even further.
Counter-example: tried to exercise, ended up doing more harm than good. Walking always made me barely able to move for a couple of days and continued trying, even once every few days, still hurt me, got worse, and I think it’s responsible for how I am now (severe sciatic nerve damage).
Fuck exercise.
I’m sorry that your experience has been crappy. And yes, not all strong exercises are great for everyone.
Still, there are advantages for not being sedentary and being active, as in light exercises does not have to disable you for days. You should look into that as it is not necessarily common.
It differs per person.
I can walk rather long distances even if sick, but that’s because I’ve been doing that a lot in my childhood. Not so often today - but the parts about correct posture and movements and breathing rhythm are still very useful.
Try with something so small that you don’t even get tired, just feel heated up a bit. Do it every day. When that effect stops being notable, increase the load so you feel it again. Keep doing that, and in 3 months your life should be better.
Of course, I’ve never been able to keep doing something regularly, so this is just repeating advice often heard (and correct in terms of your body, but not in terms of executive dysfunction and what it does to one’s ability to exercise regularly).
The worst part is, after a short while, you actually cross this sort of threshold where you enjoy it and begin to look forward to it, and then you start to notice it is helping your mental as well as your physical health.
Just atrocious. It’s almost like we were evolved for this.
This has never happened to me. I still hate it and I run at least 18 miles a week for going on twenty years. I feel like shit if I don’t run, but I still hate the actual activity.
Just do something you actually enjoy instead? Fucking hell people are ridiculous, there’s so many options to exercise, find the ones you actually enjoy!
Some people don’t enjoy any exercise, ever think about that, musclebrain?
Have you tried an activity you actually enjoy? I know that sounds a bit curt, but I gave up jogging for mountain biking and hiking, and now it is substantially easier to convince myself to get out and get started because I actually enjoy what I’m doing!
That shouldn’t have been as revelatory for me as it was, but the current paradigm is that jogging, gym time, or other monotonous activities are what we should be doing, and that really just sucks the joy out of physical activity.
I have extremely limited amounts of time to do anything. My wife is ill and I’m her full time care giver. So I really only have running as an option. I wake up early when she is still sleeping and go. I prefer running to biking.
the current paradigm is that jogging, gym time, or other monotonous activities are what we should be doing
I’d just like to contrast that with how getting enough exercise could work if our cities were designed properly.
Hey me too. 15 years working out and I still hate it except for competitive sports.
it’s crazy to me that there are people out there that are able to do things they don’t enjoy doing by their own willpower just because it’s good for them and I can’t even get myself to do the things I enjoy doing.
I’m about to go on my 6 mile mile run and it is five thirty in the morning here.
I think the key for me is to just make the connection that the pain of not running (for me, the discomfort of my breathing being slightly worse when I’m really out of shape and just general feeling of shittiness) is worse than the activity itself. I also add treats to my run when I’m getting back into the habit. Fun size candy bars and the like. I also reserve my favorite podcasts for my run. I’m about to listen to behind the bastards which is always a good time.
I love walking, my family has a farm and I grew up there playing walking and doing just the usual villager kid stuff. 20 years later and I love walking. I almost always walk on the way to home from work after taking the train (about 2.5 km) my friends call me crazy but it just feels good to walk and get lost in music and thoughts for half an hour or so everyday.
Even when I was young and healthy, I never looked forward to exercise and it never improved my mental health, even when people insisted that I do it all the time. I would always feel in a mental fog for the rest of the day after exercise. Any day without exercise and I was (and still am) very sharp mentally.
To the people who dont feel better after excercise, maybe you just haven’t found a sport or excercise that you like?
For me it is biking but yours could be different.
I’m not sure why but I find pretty much all excercise mind numbingly boring. I found that walking my dog in the park is a lot more stimulating mentally because you gotta look out for your little critter and she always does interesting things. The only thing is she gets cold easily so I can only walk her properly in the summer…
Dog tax: https://imgur.com/a/rEII2ih
People who try to start an exercise activity very commonly do too much their first time(s) at it, and end up injuring themselves or hurting too much which makes it hard to continue and even harder to start doing it again after they inevitably quit. The best thing to do is to start with something absurdly small - like biking a half-mile, walking (or running) 200 feet, or driving to the gym and then driving home without even going inside - and then very gradually ramp things up. The most important thing is to establish exercising as a regular habit, and then worry about turning it into actual physically effective exercise later on.
I dislike exercising, I often have to “parent” myself into starting, I have to fight the urge to stop several times during a session, and I almost always feel worse immediately after. Sore, tired, sweaty, or various other uncomfortableness, and I haven’t found a recovery activity that erases that temporary badness.
But, my life when I’m not exercising has gotten better, and it’s at least partially due to the exercise.
Well, maybe try something else. For example:
- swimming - can’t be sweaty of you’re surrounded by water
- cycling - do errands on your bike; you’ll still be tired and sweaty, but at least you also got groceries
- hiking - see nature and get the exercise for free
I have tried swimming and hiking, and while I can enjoy doing those activities, I fail to maintain an elevated heart rate if I’m enjoying them.
I live in a rural area, the Grocery store I use is 15+ miles up a US Hwy.with narrow/shoulders in places. I can’t do errands on a bike. I haven’t actually been on a normal bike in years, but on the stationary bikes at the gym, it’s another scenario where I won’t maintain my heart rate.
dear OP: it’s called drugs