And thus begins the beginning of the chillo season.
At front is an orange hab , ones at the back are thais. Took under a week to pop which was surprising.
Dammit I’ve snapped an underwire. Everything was go so well today too. ☹️
If I manage to stab myself we have paramedics on site so I should survive. Do you think I could claim it under workcover as a workplace injury?
the rough sharp ends will cut through the lining and then start cutting you
Ah bugger! I’ve never actually snapped one, just had that slow extrusion of one side out through a tiny gap, a millimetre at a time until my boob is being uncomfortably prodded. Ended up saying happy birthday to SIL. One more forced dinner out for the year (bday) then I don’t have to worry about them until xmas :) Which is an awful thing to say.
Wise and strong! It seems like that’s the best choice to avoid drama as much as possible. I don’t think it’s awful at all to be relieved that you can avoid dealing with people who’ve displayed such entitled and childish behaviour. Doesn’t matter if they’re your own blood relatives even.
My dog did something that I’ve never seen him do before. Waited until the kid got up from the kitchen table to blow her nose, leaped on to the chair, skinny body stretched out, front paws on the table and hoovered the rest of her meal up in seconds. He didn’t even stop when I walked in. This is why I have rules about pushing chairs in.
Kid now understands why they need to follow the rule too!
I had a dog that loved walking around on the dining table, so any time a chair wasn’t pushed in she would be up there, whether there was any food or not. The other dog I had at the time would just sit on the chair like you’d expect of any invited guest.
Hello everyone 🫡 Hope you all have a great Sunday!