So, here I am, listening to the Cosmos soundtrack and strangely not stoned. And I realize that it’s been a while since we’ve had a random music recommendation thread. What’s the musical haps in your worlds, friends?
My hyper fixation for the last 4 years has been the band Lawrence. Eight-piece Soul Funk group with a brass section and two lead vocalists.
The musicianship is incredible. Saw them live last month and you could tell there was no click track as the band members improvised off each other and the crowd. They were having a genuinely good time on stage messing around and the energy was infectious. Genuinely the most fun I’ve had in years.
Also co-vocalist Gracie’s voice! I’ve heard their albums so many times and there’s still moments I find myself muttering blasphemy as she fucking belts it out.
As I get older my music tastes have definitely broadened from my relatively narrow range of Seattle Grunge and metal. Still with this band, my partner doesn’t quite know what’s happened to me.
Anyway, I recommend this live recording of Hip Replacement from last month.
@UnseriousAcademic @blakestacey this absolutely slaps. Vulfpeck meets Tower Of Power
I managed to listen to this the day you posted it (and then got too goddamn busy) but wow
they’re a jam. must’ve been a phenomenal live gig! I’m jelly!
A reminder that Grimes is the Great Value version of Janelle Monáe
Fellow weeaboos (I know you’re out there), All That Jazz is a great album with jazz covers of songs from Ghibli movies.
this is a late follow-up from the topic in the last stubsack, but I do like the idea of a music sub. for now though, I think doing a variety of casual off-topic music threads in other subs is the right move, until we’ve got a good volume of posts and a cross-section of the types of threads we might want to post in a new sub.
(I’ll post some music recommendations in this thread when I get the chance later)
I’m also happy if we just have a variety of rotating off-topic threads like this. Part of the benefits of the smaller platform has is (imo) being able to be a little more community-centered and less strictly focused. Like, sneer club should never start sneering primarily at my musical tastes but I’m honestly enjoying the more personal atmosphere here.
that’s a good point! it’s also quite a lot simpler to moderate too. a while ago I had some bad experiences with fascists using Reddit music recommendation threads to get people listening to subtly but definitely fash bands. my expectation is like the stubsack, our off-topic music threads will be mostly regulars. a dedicated music sub will definitely be more likely to break containment, so I’d like to have a dedicated moderator lined up for it who’s better at critical listening and knows more about the music industry in general than me (and I’d hate to start something like this just to have it fall onto’s overfull plate, though he’d have exactly the right kind of skills for the role)
oh my bad I just noticed it’s the same comment
yes, it’s that early. also not helped by my cat stabbing me on the nose far too early this morning
and here I was about to figure out what’s wrong with our permalinks! (which, there is at least one thing wrong with our permalinks, just not this time around)
I’ve stopped listening to music because I realised it made me dissociate too easily. If I were getting back into it all, I’d probably start by playing this on repeat.