So I’ve discovered recently that instead the moderators and admins doing their due diligence, they’ll just ban your IP. I can’t wait for this to blow up in their face.
Maybe you meant Reddit admins?
Reddit moderators don’t have access to IP addresses nor have the ability to ban someone based on an IP address.
From the linked discussion it looks like there’s a new feature rolling out where mods can activate “automatic ban evasion protection” during a ban. Mods don’t get given any additional info about the user but it gets set up automatically on the back end.
From the linked discussion it looks like there’s a new feature rolling out where mods can activate “automatic ban evasion protection” during a ban
It is just a subreddit setting
It isn’t something a subreddit moderator can use to ban OP’s specific IP in the subreddit let alone sitewide Reddit. (OP did not say if they are talking about a subreddit specifically, or if they were banned sitewide)
In fact it’s just that random person posting a year ago calling it a “IP ban”, the Reddit admins never explained how that subreddit setting works. I’m guessing it’s using some sort of algorithm to calculate the likelihood of ban evasion e.g repeated post links / new/unused account / maybe the usage of VPN / Tor IP, that sort of thing. Reddit admins do already sitewide auto-ban accounts spamming links that were already reported and banned prior.
I got site wide banned earlier this year for 1-2 weeks because I stated to a mod that I was going to circumvent their sub ban with an alt account. I got instantly permanently banned from a sub for holding a having a different opinion to the mod. I used an alt account using the same IP addresses and devices and didn’t do abything; not even a warning.
A sub setting that tracks IPs and impacts a person’s reddit account(s) or use. And mods can at the very least flag IPs that get banned and admins won’t actually follow up with the issue. I never said that I have or have not been banned from reddit
That will be fun for VPN users
They could just block VPNs but how about a house/apartment with multiple reddit users? Coffee shops? Libraries? Offices?
This seems like it would come with a shitload of practical drawbacks, never mind the capricious nature of reddit bans in the first place.
Their ban reporting is straight up broken and regularly abused by botnets, this will make that problem even worse.
My IP which is constantly changing? The one that I can change at will to anywhere on the planet? Oh no!
Oh wait, I don’t use reddit so I care even less. I’ll leave the final judgement up to you. Were you trying criticize my post or reddit’s standards
A wise man has something to say while a fool has to say something lol. While i appreciate your right to comment. It’s kind of unnecessary
Why are you so rude? They agree with you and gave an example of how it could “blow up in their faces” (as you put it) and then you came back with a snippy remark
Because I might be an asshole and misunderstood the situation. However, the last sentence seems unnecessary for the topic
Is this satire? It has to be, right? Considering your comment is entirely unnecessary?
I’m under the impression the ban by device ID. As the Reddit app states they get that data on the App Store.
I got all my accounts banned and my IP banned so I can’t go there if I wanted. Which is great! Now I haven’t created a pro LGBTQA forum on here so I have time to do other things around the house. If you like your reddit just be more Nazi. They like that.