This is the face of, “why are you at home during the week, and where the fuck are my treats homie.”
The look of “you better be here tomorrow mfer, I don’t have opposable thumbs and those treats aren’t opening by themselves (I’ve tried)”.
Shout out to the legend trying to intimidate me in his new Audi this morning. Bruh I’m in a shitbox hatchback missing more paint than I have emotional issues, you really think I’m scared of you hitting my car? Its 6am, windy AF and I’m doing the limit. The threat of you scratching your +100k car against my 7k (If that!) car aint the threat you think it is.
Hey now, you don’t how stressful his high powered and important life is. Do you know how expensive Audis are and how much bullshit one hast to put up with to afford one??
Next time, get out of his (yeah that’s right…HIS) lane and carry on with your lowly non-Audi-owning life.
Bro is game even driving it around my suburb. I mean its not fankston, but we’ve got more commodores with exhausts cut off than we do BMWs. Dunno whos worse, the teens fanging it or the soccer mums in huge SUVs they never quite mastered.
Similar mix to my hood. Done up cars drive by either young european dudes OR european dudes my age that haven’t grown up yet. SUVs driven by people who can’t drive. Mercs, BMWs and Porsche Cayannes all over…again aggressive and clueless.
The new breed seem to the Rovers. Seeing heaps of them around for some reason.
Aaaaand now 5 of us are sick because old mate came to work sick yesterday.
Fucks sake.
Good Lord, this headache is so painful. Paracetamol doesn’t touch it, waiting for my partner to come back with some ibuprofen.
Stupid motherfucking teeth grinding. My whole head is throbbing 💀
you can get ibuprofen + paracetamol tablets now, and paracetamol + caffeine.
guessing the migraine havers are in power now lol
TW suicide
Paracetamol doesn’t really affect me, after I tried to off myself with it. I take one, if I have nothing else, but it’s mostly for the placebo affect and I tend to avoid it anyway.
Ibuprofen has helped though!
Ugh I’m so guilty of this too. I had a filling that hurt a little bit, and for some reason, whenever there’s any pain in my teeth, my immediate subconscious instinct is to bite down on the teeth that are hurting
Hugs and hope the ibuprofen helps, and your head feels better soon. I ran out of Nurofen, and swallowable paracetamol, so I’ve been using the aldi “hedanol” recently, which starts dissolving as soon as it touches the sweat and oils in my hand 😐
If you can get to a chemist, try something called “maxigesic”. Take 2, lay down and put your thumbs gently behind your neck
flirt idea: are you melbourne’s winds? because you are blowing me away
Hey baby are you Melbourne’s winds? Because I want you to keep me up all night blowing and banging