Oh is there a im14andthisisdeep instance now?
it’s more of a saying I guess it has something to do with adolescence and hormone nonsense
like all this stuff https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/im-14-and-this-is-deep/photos
I get the idea and I like it; but please don’t put poverty in this comics. Poor people aren’t envious of richer people, they deserve to live normally.
You’re assuming he’s poor, and not just shit at cooking, or too apathetic to try or learn.
To loose a dog, to be overweight, to see a relationship end are sad but normal things. Poverty isn’t.
the cops shot their dog. if you are adding in your own back stories then I’ll add mine.
As someone who was poor and now is not poor, that’s bullshit. I was for sure envious of well-off folks around me. Now I absolutely don’t take it for granted.
sorry, drinking, can you help me out?
the 6th panel is chubby man’s son?
why is young couple from first panel in last panel?
i thought it was a generational story.
their dead brown dog is related to the white dog in panel 7?
I’d love to know how my drank messed me up, thanks.
Top panel sees Marta w/ new BF, is sad.
Next guy sees buff guy, is sad.
Next guy sees guy eating lobster, is sad.
Marta & BF see dog, miss theirs, are sad.
Everyone wants what someone else has.
thank you.
art style and similar physical features had me thinking it was generational rather than simultaneous.
appreciate it.
Is this loss?
I too drive with my cellphone in one hand and my gut in the other.