I’ve been doing POSSE for a while now and it had helped me immensely by saving time and stress.
Basically every time I post something on a 3rd party site I store the content locally. Currently only in Obsidian and some locally cached videos and articles (TubeArchivist and Raindrop)
When I get dragged to the same argument or topic again, I can just grab my old comment, maybe edit/update it a bit and post it.
For some stuff I have longer blog posts I can link to, for some they are images and graphs.
That’s awesome. Glad we’re finally automating the most important things in life - internet arguments.
Obligatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/386/ 😀
But more seriously: I do frequent shitty FB forums where newbies ask the same question over and over again. I can just quickly copy-paste my longish and sourced response every time. I’m pretty close to just setting up an Alfred/TextExpand macro for the most common ones 😀
(On a proper forum we could just point them to a FAQ thread, but Meta makes is intentionally hard because ✨engagement✨)
Feel like the (totally impractical) fediverse end-game would be for each individual to have their own activitypub service, and federation happening on a person-by-person basis. So you retain some control over anything you publish, and your history is yours to keep.
I don’t value my content all that much.
What good is posting to a self hosted WordPress and on WordPress dot com? This doesn’t make a lot of sense.
You post to a location you control, then post the link to that to other sites.
That way you own and control the content.
There’s a reason why Meta and Twitter hate external links, it takes people out of their feed