The plans for two hotels is noticeably absent from this article.
I think i’ve come around to the idea a little more since i last posted on this plan,
The riverfront could be designed as a green corridor between Heirisson Island and Kings Park. It would act to cool a large part of the city, and also be great for the city’s bird life. Possibly other small marsupials as well, if the design was thoughtful enough.
There were a number of historical landmarks along the waterfront, I believe the original Emu and Swan Breweries were around that area, or maybe nearer Elizabeth Quay. Reconstructions of these could be a cool way to reconnect Perth to its early history, as ‘Perth’, that we cast aside.
@Gorgritch_umie_killa The brewery is a bit further west and the road alongside it would make it difficult to embrace it in this project.
But yes, getting rid of the ridiculous Riverside Drive, the never-should-have-been-allowed car park and reconnecting the city to the river is welcome.
Hope they remember it’s a floodplain and don’t put anything too heavy on it like they did with the sinking exhibition centre
If they can create something similar to Brisbane’s south bank it would be really awesome.
Lots of shady trees. Not vast expanses of concrete / pavers and native shrubs, that just does not make for a nice place.
A proper pool plus water playground.
Just keep anyone who has Yagan square and Elizabeth quay on their CV the fuck away from this.
I think once ECU goes into the Yagan square area, that whole project will start to make sense.
Its problem now is they’ve installed the ancilliary buinesses/infrastructure without the accompanying destination (the university), so it feels like this odd mix of destination and thoroughfare that doesn’t really work.
Trees. Please, please, please… trees.