Hey, I am new to the whole automated media server thing, and I would like to know if there is a wiki dedicated to every Arr app. Even an article mentioning the names of them would help.
Even that’s an incomplete list though, for example:
I think that’s not part of the official family (because it’s not open source?)
I might recommend fileflows over tdarr- but either way some kind of similar solution is almost mandatory with the grab bag of arbitrary encodings you find out there.
That’s missing mirarr which is one of the most convenient of the bunch https://github.com/mirarr-app/mirarr
Configuration is kind of a pain and this does a good job of taking you through it step by step
Most important term to research regarding arr apps is “hardlinking”. Make sure you have your apps configur ed with hardlinks. Everything else is pretty easy and self explanatory.