All of these movies my family sits down and watches at least once a year:
Harry Potter series… All of them.
LoTR/ Hobbit… All of them.
Strictly Ballroom
Princess Bride
Music Man 1962 version
Court Jester 1955 with Danny Kaye
The LotR Extended trilogy
There’s a dumb Italian Horror movie called Del Amore d’ella Muerte (Cemetary Man in English speaking territories) that I absolutely love. It was made in the 90s and stars Rupert Everrit as a graveyard keeper who fights a zombie invasion with his mute assistant.
Hard to explain but the universe they create is very comfy where he’s drinking red wine and shooting zombies.
For a while, it was weirdly “Long Kiss Goodnight”. It was getting heavy rotation on TV during my high-school exams, and improbaly watched it 15 times over the few weeks I was meant to be studying.
But now, probably LOTR extended edition, which I’ve seen every year since it came out, at my friend’s annual birthday celebrations.