Mine is Local Send which is a FOSS alternative similar to air drop that works across a variety of devices.
Aegis as an authentication App
Aves as gallery
Proxmox bare metal hypervisor for homeserver
Ill look into the first 2, I’ve never heard of them. Proxmox has always interested me, once i get myself a home server i was going to try it out.
try out Gallery (yes, it’s really called just “Gallery”), I’ve found it to be the best one out there, even better then aves
Spottube, like Spotify but without the shitty ads, play limitations and tracking.
Every. Day. In the kitchen.
I tried this, it was a pretty cool app. Has it been facing any issues since youtube is trying to block 3rd party apps using their api? My piped app sometimes goes down and i need to wait for an update to fix it
If you’re in any flavor of academics from middle school to doctorate program or otherwise writing papers that require strict citation formatting, drop what you’re doing and click that link.
Or probably YouTube it or something first so you can see why it’s so much better than your standard internet citation generators.
Don’t forget to share the intel with your classmates!
Edit - honorable mention to Desmos for 99% of your calculator needs… with the unfortunate exception of exams, cuz phone.
This, logseq, and PKM in general for me. I guess it’s not really “can’t live without” because I hardly know where to start, but the possibilities for organizing my mess of a brain are enticing.
It would probably help to have a project to work on and actually use the things rather than diving too deep into PKM conceptually… Really wish I knew about them in school, though.
Apparently so! https://github.com/desmosinc
Mine is kdeconnect which does what local send does plus so much more.
- using phone to control laptop
- getting phone notifications send to your pc
- can browse phone’s storage directly from pc
- find my phone function
Kde connect is great, iv always thought about using it but never got round to it as im current using a wm instead of a desktop environment. If i was to switch to a desktop environment kde would be my first choice as it has so many features.
I’ve had issues with it for file sharing, so far that I’m sticking to LocalSend, but I really need to explore KDEConnect further, as I haven’t explored the rest of its features.
Wait kdeconnect is Foss?! Can I fix the atrocious gui myself?!? 😂
That application rules but it looks like butt on my workstation.
I’m sure they’d welcome a pull improving the UX! https://invent.kde.org/network/kdeconnect-kde I think the implementation of the protocol is pretty well isolated from the UI, so pretty radical UI changes should be relatively easy
Bitwarden / Vaultwarden, no other password manager I’ve tried before has really worked for me.