Did you all know TBP was married before and got divorced? Alert the masses! Holy shit!
She’s complaining it’s only Tuesday like she goes off to a real job. The big kids are at school, she drops Lemon off after making her do some content then sits at home doing nothing and filtering herself into a different person the rest of the day. Doesn’t cook meals, doesn’t do chores, doesn’t have to do a real job. Tell me why you’re bothered it’s only Tuesday???
What is going on lately with her skin tone? Does she have a trump filter on? Is her spray tan expired? Did she get her new bronzer from Spirit of Halloween?
I don’t get what she thought was rude but I hate her face lol. Like she’s mad she made plans and now they’re coming up or what?
It’s funny she can’t make coffee at home ever despite being there so much and I’m sure having fancy appliances for it. I live in Canada and Tim Hortons coffee is really not the tastiest fast coffee you can get (imo) but I guess she gets it for the “I’m Canadian!! ✌🏻✌🏻” schtick
The way she pronounced the word couture. She’s a fashion girlie, don’t ya know? 😆
Of course, she got free appliances. How do people relate to her and follow her? I noticed she never does giveaways or anything for her followers either.
Makes me sick. Not that I’m in the market for appliances but there’s another place I will never be going to if the need for anything arises.
I don’t believe for 1 bloody second she wasn’t contacting every appliance company around to see who was dumb enough to give her hand outs.
Guaranteed. I’ve actually seen emails from business in Guelph she used to beg for free services for “exposure”. A few declined and she wrote IN AN EMAIL “you’ll be sorry” and pretty much threatened bad exposure. Lucky for her, those businesses are too classy to expose her and are above her crap
Coincidentally, I am! The freezer on my fridge crapped out. The cheapest I found that fits my needs and space is $1000 USD. I doubt she’s going for the cheapest model. The nicer ones were upwards of $2300 USD and that’s just whatever Costco offered. This company is looking to give her over 10k in appliances and for what?! She’s not gonna necessarily influence anyone to go buy a new fridge just cause they liked hers. It makes no sense!
The fridge she was looking at is $6200. They will be way beyond $10,000. Birdie needs top of the line so she can make her shitty lasagna. I wonder if Shame will be making cooking content?
That sucks. I was almost in the same boat last year but luckily the repairman was able to fix it because I wasn’t happy about the prices for what we needed.
I don’t get why companies jump through hoops to give her things? Like what has even done that makes her worthy of this??? Like sorry but I’m not gonna run out to this place just because they’re giving her a freebie, that makes me want to stay away.
The fridge that she showed in her post is not cheap. My mom has one and my dad nearly had a heart attack when he found out the price
Where’s the snatched jawline and button nose 👀 and for someone who “doesn’t get lip filler” there sure is a lot of migration under her nose
Notice how all the pictures showcase HER? It’s not about their anniversary at all, it’s about more pictures of Sarah. Shane staring lovingly at Sarah, shane holding up Sarah, Shane standing behind Sarah, Shane having to dip Sarah, all about Sarah.
Sarah embodies and promotes the very issues she claims to stand against. She is more contrived than a Victoria Secret model. From her make up, lashes, laser face lifts, filters, fillers and fake hair, she reinforces beauty standards instead of challenging them. All she does is encourage women to spend and seek a vapid lifestyle. She’s greedy, selfish and unkind. She will never share the spotlight. She even competes with her youngest. I’m sick of her and her husbands bull shit. Grifters always grifting.
They need to give up the back breaking dip shot they keep doing because it looks awkward as hell. They simply cannot pull it off.